Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hate those Monkey Wrenches

There is nothing quite like the ol' stomach virus to throw a monkey wrench into any best laid plans. The week was looking great for some outdoor runs, which isn't always possible in Minnesota. But noooooooooo. It wasn't gonna happen for me.

I got hit sometime Monday afternoon, and this is the first hour I feel somewhat human. Catching up on life is bad enough (i.e. you think someone could have emptied the dishwasher yesterday). But having to forgo the workout is pure hell. Especially with the time of year, and knowing that EVERY WORKOUT COUNTS! I managed a walk on the treadmill this morning, despite my instincts telling me not to do anything. But I took it slow, and watched out for any signs of discomfort. Not being able to eat yesterday did not help matters in the least.

Today, recovery consists of rehydrating and eating a few small tidbits here and there. Too much food at once makes me all yucky again. (((((((sigh))))))))

I guess tomorrow's run will hinge on how I feel. I may have to delay a long run until Saturday. At this rate, between the holiday baking I'm hoping to accomplish, I'll be logging miles whenever I can.

On a more positive note, they will have pacers at the Polar Dash on New Year's Day! I'm excited, because if the weather holds out, it could be a good PR opportunity for me since I run better in the colder weather.

Hoping for a better tomorrow.


ThePetitePacer said...

Do you have runmeter 8.1.1? Apparently I'll be able to watch you real time through Facebook, and you can limit who can see it. Please try it sometime before the race so we know if we can follow you!

A running chick said...

OK! I'll let you know!

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