Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Assessment Run...take 2.

Apparently, I still can't get it right.

I finished my assessment run for the MiCoach program. Then I did as they said and shut the program down. I started RunMeter and went on running for another 6 miles or so.

When I got home and checked MiCoach, it said that I did my run incorrectly. Here is my message.
miCoach could not update your pace zones because your pace data did not show a steadily increasing pattern.
OK, then.

Despite the fact that it worked yesterday, I was supposed to end the workout after the assessment run, and I didn't. But this is the message I got yesterday.

Excellent! miCoach updated your pace zones. Your Top of Green is 06:46 min/mi and your Top of Red is 04:04 min/mi.

I'll give it one more try, but not this week. It'll have to wait. I'll do it at the park. Maybe it had something to do with the hills around here.

I wasn't even supposed to run today. Thursday is usually my long run day, and I just may be to burnt out to do it. I ran three days in a row this week, because I could, I guess. P90X wasn't standing in the way. And I've had this tummy bug. So it probably wasn't smart to run as much as I did.

Oh well. What is done is done. I'm still feeling good...just tired and a little achy. I have been able to test out some energy chews and gels, so that was worth it. I'm learning that the gels are a bit easier on my tummy than the chews. And timing with them is everything. 5-10 minutes before a run is perfect. I have not yet tried to take them at mile 3 like I wanted to this week. I just got lost in my runs, as always.

I did find this, however, on Amazon.

It makes running in the cold that much more bearable. I put it on my cheeks, lips, chin and around my nose. Not only does it keep them from chapping, but it actually adds a layer of insulation, keeping my face just a tad bit warmer than if I hadn't put it on! I'm liking that!

Weather: 27°, sunny, brisk east wind.
Clothing: Under Armour Base II thermal top and bottom, compression pant, mock neck lined long sleeve top, neon tank for visibility, totally tubular balaclava.


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