Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday Weigh In

I'll be honest. I didn't forget to weigh in last week. I was just afraid to step on the scale. I was actually very good, up until Christmas Day. Just the act of doing almost nothing was enough to send me into 'eat until I barf' mode for an entire 12 hours. And not just eating, but drinking. Since I missed most of the Christmas Eve festivities (because I was cooking, preparing, cleaning, wrapping, last minute stuff), I felt the need to partake in the alcohol as well on Christmas Day. None of this helped the situation. So, I conveniently missed my weigh in.

I was good with my workouts, however. And I did keep up with my runs. I did NOT want to go into that Polar Dash without that backup. But still, I felt a little puffy.

I was even hesitant about getting on the scale today. I think it took me until the 29th to get back on track and clean out all the crap from the kitchen. You know the crap I'm talking about...the crap you pick at every time you pass the kitchen. By Saturday night, it was time to toss it all. And I did! Every last nugget.

So, I was pleasantly surprised to see today's number. It will be easy to get back down within the next few weeks. And since I have now officially signed up for my first marathon, I have a bit of work to do to get that number down and keep it down. I've decided to just use Runmeter's Marathon Training program. It is a 20-week program, so counting back from June 22, means starting day is February 3. I think this will be perfect!

The temperatures are warming this week. I'm excited to get out there! I did P90X Plyometrics yesterday. My calves are screaming. With that and Legs and Back today, it will be interesting to see if I can even walk tomorrow. But I'm hopeful!

Did you weigh in today?


Anonymous said...

I have been pretty off since Sandy hit right after my power for 2 weeks meant a lot of take out then thanksgiving....I was up 6 pounds when I got on the scale first week in Dec. Second week I was down 1.6 just in time for my trip to Belize. I ran there and it was a yoga retreat so I did a lot of yoga but the food was all fried and delish!!!! I have not been back to my WW meeting yet...Tuesday is my day but I am 99% sure I am up again. But I lost it once and I will do it again....6 pounds is better than the 35 I was up from here when I started right?

A running chick said...

Yes!! You are headed in the right direction. Keep it going!

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