Saturday, March 16, 2013

The run that almost wasn't

Yesterday afternoon around 2:00, I started feeling like crap. I wasn't sure if it was something I ate, drank, or if I was just getting a bug of some sort. I'm still not sure. I knew it wasn't nerves or anything despite this morning's run. I was kind of bummed I had to go alone, and not knowing what the weather was going to do, nor knowing what the parking situation would be like, I really wasn't looking forward to going. But, I had signed up...I had a jacket, which I vowed I wouldn't wear until I ran the race, and I paid cold, hard cash to dang it, I got up and ran.

My queazy stomach took me right through the overnight. The only good thing was that I knew I wouldn't have any trouble going to the bathroom before I left. The only trouble was wondering if I could STOP going to the bathroom before I left. I did...and I got out the door a little later than I had wanted to. But it proved not to be a problem because I got there early enough to get a great space.

The surprise was the amount of people running the race. I was quite shocked. I guess I expected a lot, but I have never actually been at a race where the turnout was greater than three or four-thousand. Even when the announcer said that there were 10,000 there, I was floored. Really? I set myself up at the 7:30 start gate because I didn't want to run any slower than that. But the only corral in front of that one was entitled "elite". I'm far from elite. And I immediately started questioning if I should be at the front of the line.

It wasn't necessarily cold. I dressed well. I was very prepared. Except I left my ice trekkers in the car. I really hoped I didn't need them. I didn't see any other runners wearing them so I went along with the crowd. I think if I had worn them, I'd have had a much faster finish time.

But despite the icy patches, I didn't fare too badly, running at a 7:54 pace, at least according to my chip time. Runmeter had me clocked at 7:37, which felt more about where I ran. I only say that because that is about what I did at the Polar Dash, and I felt like I put the same exact effort into this run...minus the icy patches.

It was cold and lonely when I crossed the finish line. And as I headed back up the road to fetch my banana and water, I saw a whole slew of people still progressing to the start line. Are you kidding?
I'm done! You haven't started? Oh, I felt bad for them. They have been standing out in this cold weather for that long, in their crazy but great St. Patty's Day outfits. Ugh! 

I was happy to grab my bag and get out. I was immediately chilled. And I stumbled upon a coffee shop almost instantly, but was discouraged when the line went clear out the door and around the corner. Oh well...just get in the car and go, I thought.

Then my husband started texting me...and my sister...and I just wanted to get to my car. I got a little turned around and had to walk longer than I should have walked, but it was probably just as well to loosen up a little before I sat down.

As always, I'm glad I ran. Now I can say I ran a "Get Lucky"...the most attended organized race in the Twin Cities. I may never do it again.

And I can wear the sweatshirt without guilt.


ThePetitePacer said...

Yeah, I don't know where they got those numbers. I was very surprised to see that. But the sweatshirt IS very cool.
WOW~ I guess with 10k people, the starting line will be congested. But waiting over a half hour to start? Good grief.

A running chick said...

Oh, I know! But another plus was that there was no traffic getting out because every one was still running! That was the craziest thing ever...

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