Hal said three. So, I ran three. Happily. (Hey, I'm a poet!)
Funny, because when I got out there I was having slight inward feelings that it wouldn't be enough. I thought I'd run out three and perhaps just walk back. My husband made the same offer he did yesterday, so if it got really bad into the wind, I could just call him. But after a mile and a half, I became grateful that it was just a three miler. I went a few extra steps and turned around. And then I started to think how grateful I was that there is no scheduled run for tomorrow. I'm tired, doggone-it!
I had a great pace today, just under 8:00. And now that I have two fast back-to-back runs out of my system, it should make Saturday's scheduled 9'er much easier to take slow.
It's all going great. I can almost kinda see a method to Hal's madness. This just might work.
Have you ever questioned someone's motives just to find out they were right all along? How did you feel afterward?
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Marathon Training: Day 11
Posted by
A running chick
9:11 PM
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Marathon Training
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Marathon Training: Day 10
An outdoor run! So excited, I could spit. My handy husband called me just as I was about to step out the door to tell me it was windy and colder than it looked. I took his word as truth and added another jacket.
The thermometer read 30°. And the sun was trying to peak through. But, hell...it was windy. I managed to fight it pretty well for the first mile. It was the last that killed me.
Hal's Marathon Training Program called for a 5-miler today, at whatever pace struck my fancy. For some reason, I had the urge to go fast. I think I just wanted to get it over with. I had just finished P90X Shoulders and Arms and I was getting hungry, but I wanted to get that run out of the way first. I awoke this morning with a strange stitch in my lower left pelvic area. In fact, it has nagged at me all day. I was afraid this would affect my run, as well. It didn't, thank goodness, but it sure is bothering me tonight. Wish I knew what the heck it is.
Besides that, I just ran like the wind. I knew I started too fast...I knew my heart rate was up there...but I didn't care. I just ran. I heard Hal tell me I was at the half way point, so I went maybe 100 more paces then turned around. Now, the winds were reeking havoc and I could tell they were out of the north...and strong. This meant that the last mile would be hell...all uphill and into the wind. And I was right. It wasn't necessarily cold, but oh, that wind. Around mile 3.5 my phone started ringing...I answered it rather haphazardly, and found my husband at the other end.
"Did you get my text?" he asked.
"Um...no." (DUH!)
"Oh, well, if you want, just keep running south and I'll pick you up so you don't have to run home into the wind."
That was mighty kind of him, but I had already turned around and wasn't going to change direction again. Besides, this is good for the training, right?
I swear, I was running backwards at moments during that last mile.
Never the less, I finished with a great run at a 7:48 pace, thereabouts. So I'm not complaining.
Run like the wind? Well, ok.
What weather do you hate running in the most?
The thermometer read 30°. And the sun was trying to peak through. But, hell...it was windy. I managed to fight it pretty well for the first mile. It was the last that killed me.
Hal's Marathon Training Program called for a 5-miler today, at whatever pace struck my fancy. For some reason, I had the urge to go fast. I think I just wanted to get it over with. I had just finished P90X Shoulders and Arms and I was getting hungry, but I wanted to get that run out of the way first. I awoke this morning with a strange stitch in my lower left pelvic area. In fact, it has nagged at me all day. I was afraid this would affect my run, as well. It didn't, thank goodness, but it sure is bothering me tonight. Wish I knew what the heck it is.
Besides that, I just ran like the wind. I knew I started too fast...I knew my heart rate was up there...but I didn't care. I just ran. I heard Hal tell me I was at the half way point, so I went maybe 100 more paces then turned around. Now, the winds were reeking havoc and I could tell they were out of the north...and strong. This meant that the last mile would be hell...all uphill and into the wind. And I was right. It wasn't necessarily cold, but oh, that wind. Around mile 3.5 my phone started ringing...I answered it rather haphazardly, and found my husband at the other end.
"Did you get my text?" he asked.
"Um...no." (DUH!)
"Oh, well, if you want, just keep running south and I'll pick you up so you don't have to run home into the wind."
That was mighty kind of him, but I had already turned around and wasn't going to change direction again. Besides, this is good for the training, right?
I swear, I was running backwards at moments during that last mile.
Never the less, I finished with a great run at a 7:48 pace, thereabouts. So I'm not complaining.
Run like the wind? Well, ok.
What weather do you hate running in the most?
Posted by
A running chick
9:47 PM
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Marathon Training
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Shhhh. I ran today.
I know...I wasn't supposed to. Actually, after I double checked my schedule, Hal called for some Sunday cross-training. That includes walking, biking, swimming, or cross-country skiing. Well, running is just fast walking, right? I couldn't resist...34° and sunny. Yes THIRTY FOUR AND SUNNY. Even my husband told me I had to run today. And he almost never says that.
Besides, I had the blues big time today for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I couldn't shake it. After church, the girls and I ran to Tractor Supply then to the grocery store to get some stuff. We came home and I got dinner started since it had to sit in the oven for a few hours. Then I got to work on my Happy To Create blog post. It was pretty much just one giant interruption. And I kept checking Facebook at the same time.
The hubster came in one last time, clearly sensing my moodiness and said,
"Get the hell out there and run...now."
Well, it wasn't really what he said, but I shortened it for purposes of this blog post.
It took me a full two miles just to shake the DOMS out of my legs from Friday's P90X Legs and Back. After that it was smooth sailing. I thought I'd just go 4 miles. But I was feeling good at the 2-mile mark...so I kept going. Then I thought just 5 miles, but at the 2.5 mile mark I decided I'd try to make it to the 3-mile mark. It just sounds better and it is a rounder number. Then at the 3-mile mark, I saw my regular turn around for this route was less than a half mile further. What the hell? So I did my Dream Acres route which takes me to Dream Acres farm, and then back home. My legs were just absorbing the heat from the sun. It was glorious. And I started slow because of the DOMS but finished at race pace. It was a good run.
And my blues turned pink. Pink is my signature color!
I promise NOT TO RUN tomorrow. It will just be P90X Chest and Back. Tuesday, I start school, so I'm not sure if I'll get my 3-miles in at 5:30 am or 5:30 pm. I'll leave it up to chance at this point.
OH! And even MORE exciting!! Shape Magazine retweeted my #flauntit photo not just once, but TWICE this week on Twitter! How great is that? Here are the photos that I tweeted.
Did you workout today?
Besides, I had the blues big time today for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I couldn't shake it. After church, the girls and I ran to Tractor Supply then to the grocery store to get some stuff. We came home and I got dinner started since it had to sit in the oven for a few hours. Then I got to work on my Happy To Create blog post. It was pretty much just one giant interruption. And I kept checking Facebook at the same time.
The hubster came in one last time, clearly sensing my moodiness and said,
"Get the hell out there and run...now."
Well, it wasn't really what he said, but I shortened it for purposes of this blog post.
It took me a full two miles just to shake the DOMS out of my legs from Friday's P90X Legs and Back. After that it was smooth sailing. I thought I'd just go 4 miles. But I was feeling good at the 2-mile mark...so I kept going. Then I thought just 5 miles, but at the 2.5 mile mark I decided I'd try to make it to the 3-mile mark. It just sounds better and it is a rounder number. Then at the 3-mile mark, I saw my regular turn around for this route was less than a half mile further. What the hell? So I did my Dream Acres route which takes me to Dream Acres farm, and then back home. My legs were just absorbing the heat from the sun. It was glorious. And I started slow because of the DOMS but finished at race pace. It was a good run.
And my blues turned pink. Pink is my signature color!
I promise NOT TO RUN tomorrow. It will just be P90X Chest and Back. Tuesday, I start school, so I'm not sure if I'll get my 3-miles in at 5:30 am or 5:30 pm. I'll leave it up to chance at this point.
OH! And even MORE exciting!! Shape Magazine retweeted my #flauntit photo not just once, but TWICE this week on Twitter! How great is that? Here are the photos that I tweeted.
Gotta love that P90X!
Posted by
A running chick
8:14 PM
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Saturday, February 23, 2013
Marathon Training: Day 5
Hal said I had to run 8 miles today. I really hoped to do it outside, but the temperature read 13° upon waking, and with yesterday's snow...it just seemed like a bad idea. I had to run early today, too, because the rest of my morning and early afternoon was pretty busy. In hindsight, I'm glad I did it early. The head cold was really kicking in this afternoon.
So, I tuned in the Netflix to National Geographic's Alaska's Denali National Park and got moving. After a 10 minute warm up walk, I set the treadmill to manual. I started off at a 1% incline and 6.5 mph. I upped it .2 mph every 5 minutes until I reached 6.9 mph. Then I upped it .2 mph every 10 minutes. With 1.2 miles left I was up to 7.5 mph. I did slow to a walk at mile 3 and mile 6 to drink my Cytomax. I skipped the gel today. It was pretty sweaty in the basement this morning for a change. But I kinda wish it were colder because I would have been more comfortable. Of course, I forget I have a cold. That doesn't help. But all in all, it was a good 8-mile treadmill run. I finished it in under 70 minutes. And with a negative spit. That is the great thing about that treadmill. You can force yourself to run negative split. That will be great for training.
I'm focusing on post-run stretching and it is making a huge difference. I really need to keep that up and take the 15-20 minutes afterward to properly stretch. My flexibility is much better than it was.
I'm super sore tonight. But not because of the run, but because of yesterday's P90X Legs and Back. That workout gets me every time.
I'm so proud of my sister, The Petite Pacer. She has come so far in just one year. I have a number of friends on Facebook who have just started running as well. They have come to me for advice and suggestions as they get started. It is so uplifting for me to be able to help them in some small way to get them out there. Maybe running won't be their thing...or maybe it will. Either way, it is giving it a try and putting faith in yourself that matters. I'm so proud of all of them! There is no doubt that running changes your life.
So, I tuned in the Netflix to National Geographic's Alaska's Denali National Park and got moving. After a 10 minute warm up walk, I set the treadmill to manual. I started off at a 1% incline and 6.5 mph. I upped it .2 mph every 5 minutes until I reached 6.9 mph. Then I upped it .2 mph every 10 minutes. With 1.2 miles left I was up to 7.5 mph. I did slow to a walk at mile 3 and mile 6 to drink my Cytomax. I skipped the gel today. It was pretty sweaty in the basement this morning for a change. But I kinda wish it were colder because I would have been more comfortable. Of course, I forget I have a cold. That doesn't help. But all in all, it was a good 8-mile treadmill run. I finished it in under 70 minutes. And with a negative spit. That is the great thing about that treadmill. You can force yourself to run negative split. That will be great for training.
I'm focusing on post-run stretching and it is making a huge difference. I really need to keep that up and take the 15-20 minutes afterward to properly stretch. My flexibility is much better than it was.
I'm super sore tonight. But not because of the run, but because of yesterday's P90X Legs and Back. That workout gets me every time.
I'm so proud of my sister, The Petite Pacer. She has come so far in just one year. I have a number of friends on Facebook who have just started running as well. They have come to me for advice and suggestions as they get started. It is so uplifting for me to be able to help them in some small way to get them out there. Maybe running won't be their thing...or maybe it will. Either way, it is giving it a try and putting faith in yourself that matters. I'm so proud of all of them! There is no doubt that running changes your life.
Posted by
A running chick
9:14 PM
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Marathon Training
Friday, February 22, 2013
Head colds, snow storms, and rest days
In Minnesota, two things happen in the winter. It is either bitter cold, or just below freezing. The trouble is, when it is right below freezing, it means it is likely snowing. That was today. It was kind of a bummer because it was a really beautiful day sans the snow. If the visibility weren't as bad as it was, I would have run in it. But, I would like to make it to my 47th birthday.
According to Hal Higdon, today was to be a rest day. But it was my scheduled P90X Legs and Back day. I did it...and walked 6 miles on the treadmill, too. My husband had to plow the drive this morning, and I didn't want to spend the time on my ass waiting for him. Sorry, Hal.
Tomorrow, an 8-miler is on the schedule. I may take it outdoors if the snow stops. That might be wishful thinking. But that is what I do best.
Unfortunately, I also feel a head cold coming on. It is worse at night. I don't know if that is because my resistance lowers at night, or if perhaps it is some kind of reaction to the dry air around here. But, I'm chewing the Airborne, hoping for a miracle.
This weekend marks a month without having an alcoholic beverage. Again, not because I think I have a drinking problem, but just because I don't think I really need it. It weighs me down, wrecks my sleep, and I find I eat more when I drink. I don't miss it, really. I'm just as happy with flavored seltzer water. And that doesn't leave me with a headache.
So, pretty boring day. Maybe I'll have more to report this weekend.
Do you have anything exciting planned for your weekend?
Posted by
A running chick
8:05 PM
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Marathon Training: Day 3
Treadmill...again. This will get old fast. But it is all I have. So it will do.
Today's workout: 5 miles at "marathon" pace.
I really had to think this out. What will be my"marathon" pace? I've never run one, so I'm not quite sure. I've run 3 half marathons, but they are completely different animals. My pace for those averaged about 8:00/mile. Do I add 30 seconds to that? Do I add a minute? I'm not quite certain.
What I do know is what I know. And that is that a 5 mile run I could virtually do in 40 minutes with some effort. What I'm thinking is that I'm not supposed to put too much effort into this run today. A marathon pace should be an easy pace. I started with a 6.0 pace for 5 minutes, then 6.5 for 5 minutes then to 7.0, and finally to 7.2 to finish it off. This made my run about 43 minutes long. I wasn't winded, I was still in my comfort zone. And that pace ended up being about 8:34. Is this my marathon pace? I can't help but wonder.
I'd love to be able to run the thing in less than four hours. A 9:16 pace would be exactly that...4 hours. For me that seems feasible. But I may be overestimating what I am capable of. I'm hoping not. I think what I will do is consider my "comfortable" pace to be faster than my "marathon" pace. I'm going to aim for an 8:40 marathon pace.
Crazy? Maybe I am. I suppose that is what Marathon Training is all about. To see what you are capable of.
It's gonna be a long 18 weeks.
Today's workout: 5 miles at "marathon" pace.
I really had to think this out. What will be my"marathon" pace? I've never run one, so I'm not quite sure. I've run 3 half marathons, but they are completely different animals. My pace for those averaged about 8:00/mile. Do I add 30 seconds to that? Do I add a minute? I'm not quite certain.
What I do know is what I know. And that is that a 5 mile run I could virtually do in 40 minutes with some effort. What I'm thinking is that I'm not supposed to put too much effort into this run today. A marathon pace should be an easy pace. I started with a 6.0 pace for 5 minutes, then 6.5 for 5 minutes then to 7.0, and finally to 7.2 to finish it off. This made my run about 43 minutes long. I wasn't winded, I was still in my comfort zone. And that pace ended up being about 8:34. Is this my marathon pace? I can't help but wonder.
I'd love to be able to run the thing in less than four hours. A 9:16 pace would be exactly that...4 hours. For me that seems feasible. But I may be overestimating what I am capable of. I'm hoping not. I think what I will do is consider my "comfortable" pace to be faster than my "marathon" pace. I'm going to aim for an 8:40 marathon pace.
Crazy? Maybe I am. I suppose that is what Marathon Training is all about. To see what you are capable of.
It's gonna be a long 18 weeks.
Posted by
A running chick
9:54 PM
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Marathon Training
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Marathon Training: Day 2
Wait! What happened to Day 1? Well, it was yesterday and it was a rest day. And suffice it to say. 9 hours in the back seat of a Sequoia in 40 mph cross winds was more like hell than a rest day. But still, no workout was achieved.
Today, although listed as Day 2, was more like Day 1. The program required 3 miles at a "comfortable" pace. I already see problems with this program. Someone please define "comfortable". Does it mean I run slow? Does it mean I run at my fast, but I feel great pace?
It seems that since I'll be running on a treadmill for a good chunk of this marathon training program, I'll need some definitions of the words "easy", "comfortable", "normal" and "marathon" pace. Wouldn't I want my marathon pace to be easy, comfortable and normal? Gawd, I'm confused already.
I plan to ask the question from the man himself, Hal Higdon, in his marathon training forum. Perhaps he can give me some insight.
In the meantime, I've picked up both his Marathon book from the library, and Matt Freeman's Racing Weight book. I'm not quite sure what else I'm expecting to learn that I don't already know, but I guess it is better to be well educated than not at all.
All this being said, today's workout was 3-miles on the treadmill. I started at 5.0 mph, and worked my way up to 7.0 mph by the final half mile. It was easy and non-taxing. I didn't include my warm up or cool down in my Dailymile numbers. But I did walk an additional 2 miles after the run. I figured it wouldn't hurt. And if I don't move at least 5-miles a day, I don't feel much accomplished.
We missed P90X yesterday because we were driving home, but my husband and I will tackle one tomorrow. I am also required to do 5 miles tomorrow. This will be done inside again, as we won't even get close to 20° tomorrow and wind chills should be about minus that number. Yuck.
Are you reading any good books these days? What is on your nightstand?
Today, although listed as Day 2, was more like Day 1. The program required 3 miles at a "comfortable" pace. I already see problems with this program. Someone please define "comfortable". Does it mean I run slow? Does it mean I run at my fast, but I feel great pace?
It seems that since I'll be running on a treadmill for a good chunk of this marathon training program, I'll need some definitions of the words "easy", "comfortable", "normal" and "marathon" pace. Wouldn't I want my marathon pace to be easy, comfortable and normal? Gawd, I'm confused already.
I plan to ask the question from the man himself, Hal Higdon, in his marathon training forum. Perhaps he can give me some insight.
In the meantime, I've picked up both his Marathon book from the library, and Matt Freeman's Racing Weight book. I'm not quite sure what else I'm expecting to learn that I don't already know, but I guess it is better to be well educated than not at all.
All this being said, today's workout was 3-miles on the treadmill. I started at 5.0 mph, and worked my way up to 7.0 mph by the final half mile. It was easy and non-taxing. I didn't include my warm up or cool down in my Dailymile numbers. But I did walk an additional 2 miles after the run. I figured it wouldn't hurt. And if I don't move at least 5-miles a day, I don't feel much accomplished.
We missed P90X yesterday because we were driving home, but my husband and I will tackle one tomorrow. I am also required to do 5 miles tomorrow. This will be done inside again, as we won't even get close to 20° tomorrow and wind chills should be about minus that number. Yuck.
Are you reading any good books these days? What is on your nightstand?
Posted by
A running chick
10:44 PM
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Marathon Training
Monday, February 18, 2013
There's no place like home?
Ahhh. Kansas. I have a love/hate relationship with the state. I have come to love it because it is the place where my husband was born and spent the first 12 years of his life. His older brother and wife, and nephew and wife live there now. We always have a great time when we visit them. On a bright, sunny day, the sky goes on forever. And at night, the stars blow your mind. And the weather...ah, that Kansas weather. It is either perfect, or it's not. There is rarely an in-between. The day can start out perfectly. Then, just like that, here comes the wind, and the temperatures drop like a rock. As I write this, I am in the backseat of my car, jolting around in such wind, because my daughter is more car-sick than I am...so she gets to ride shotgun.
There are days in Kansas where it is so hot, you can fry an egg on the hood of your car. Add the wind, and it feels like an inferno. And there are days where you can watch a thunderstorm brew over the Colorado state line and head straight for you, dumping the most impressive amount of rain you have ever seen in just minutes. Then, there are days in the dead of winter, like yesterday, when you wished you lived there. It started out cool, and rose to 70° by the afternoon. It was a bit cloudy, but it was a day to remember.
And it was a day to run.
We took a quick trip out there. Quicker than we would have liked. But suffice it to say, for me, the 9 hour drive there and the 9 hour drive back was well worth the 12 mile run. I actually got to sweat.
Kansas is an equal combination of country and paved roads. And there is little population density. You can literally run for miles before you see another human entity. In fact, I only saw cars a handful of times on this run. Once, when I crossed the highway, and again when I crossed it a second time on the return trip. Unreal. The gravel roads were a challenge, but they controlled my pace, and strengthened my ankles. The paved roads were flat and smooth with a generous shoulder. And the scenery? Perfect for a runner.
So, yes. This trip it was love. I have decided that if I moved to Kansas, I would become a warrior. I could run until I drop.
But, reality sets in as I glance at the car thermometer the moment we cross the Minnesota state line...11°. And snowing.
Welcome home.
There are days in Kansas where it is so hot, you can fry an egg on the hood of your car. Add the wind, and it feels like an inferno. And there are days where you can watch a thunderstorm brew over the Colorado state line and head straight for you, dumping the most impressive amount of rain you have ever seen in just minutes. Then, there are days in the dead of winter, like yesterday, when you wished you lived there. It started out cool, and rose to 70° by the afternoon. It was a bit cloudy, but it was a day to remember.
And it was a day to run.
We took a quick trip out there. Quicker than we would have liked. But suffice it to say, for me, the 9 hour drive there and the 9 hour drive back was well worth the 12 mile run. I actually got to sweat.
Kansas is an equal combination of country and paved roads. And there is little population density. You can literally run for miles before you see another human entity. In fact, I only saw cars a handful of times on this run. Once, when I crossed the highway, and again when I crossed it a second time on the return trip. Unreal. The gravel roads were a challenge, but they controlled my pace, and strengthened my ankles. The paved roads were flat and smooth with a generous shoulder. And the scenery? Perfect for a runner.
So, yes. This trip it was love. I have decided that if I moved to Kansas, I would become a warrior. I could run until I drop.
But, reality sets in as I glance at the car thermometer the moment we cross the Minnesota state line...11°. And snowing.
Welcome home.
Posted by
A running chick
7:40 PM
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Miracles do happen
All I have to do is survive a few days at my brother-in-laws and his wife's place. It is always an eat and drink fest. But I'm not drinking, and that means I should be able to control my eating.
It will be 30 degrees warmer than it is at home and I'm looking forward to a long, early morning run on Sunday. I'll be on runmeter and dailymile if you want to find me!
Sorry about the low-lighting in the photo. It was 6am. I don't even think I turned the light on. LOL! I had to enhance this just so you could see it!
Did you weigh in today?
Posted by
A running chick
8:48 PM
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Weigh Ins
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Running in chains...literally
Ahhh! Overnight rain and snow, then temperatures dipping back below freezing. For Minnesota, that means ice. Determined to get that run in no matter what today, I decided to break out the chains. Not the tire chains, mind you, but the sneaker chains. I figured if worse came to worse and the roads weren't that bad, I could remove them mid run. I hadn't really thought about where I would keep them...but I digress.
These things are pretty darn nifty. In the end, the only trouble I had that I was running in slushy puddles so my toes were getting wet. The toe band on these started annoying my big toes. I don't know it is because my shoes got wet, or because they were just too tight around the toes. If I have to wear them again, I'll put a kitchen sponge or something similar under the band at the toe. I think that will do the trick.
After I got home and conversed with my husband, he was quite shocked that I ran in them. But to be honest, there was a comfort factor associated with them that even made those shiny areas not so scary. I didn't slip once. Perhaps the road just wasn't icy. But still, I'm glad I put them on.
It was an easy 10 miler today. I'm happy to have gotten the milage in since the cold returns for the weekend. Sunday is promising to be the next warm day. We will see what the weekend brings.
Today, I overdressed. I know, right? It was mild. and I wore one too many tops. Could have done without the extra. But I was bright and neon. That is all that matters.
I just noticed I'm already at 291 miles for 2013. Not too shabby. I didn't set a goal for the year. Perhaps I should. What about you? Do you have a mileage goal for 2013?
*Note: This really was a nice steady run with the elevation in heart rate at the end coming with the increase in elevation. You can see where I stopped for a gel and some liquid!
These things are pretty darn nifty. In the end, the only trouble I had that I was running in slushy puddles so my toes were getting wet. The toe band on these started annoying my big toes. I don't know it is because my shoes got wet, or because they were just too tight around the toes. If I have to wear them again, I'll put a kitchen sponge or something similar under the band at the toe. I think that will do the trick.
After I got home and conversed with my husband, he was quite shocked that I ran in them. But to be honest, there was a comfort factor associated with them that even made those shiny areas not so scary. I didn't slip once. Perhaps the road just wasn't icy. But still, I'm glad I put them on.
It was an easy 10 miler today. I'm happy to have gotten the milage in since the cold returns for the weekend. Sunday is promising to be the next warm day. We will see what the weekend brings.
Today, I overdressed. I know, right? It was mild. and I wore one too many tops. Could have done without the extra. But I was bright and neon. That is all that matters.
I just noticed I'm already at 291 miles for 2013. Not too shabby. I didn't set a goal for the year. Perhaps I should. What about you? Do you have a mileage goal for 2013?
*Note: This really was a nice steady run with the elevation in heart rate at the end coming with the increase in elevation. You can see where I stopped for a gel and some liquid!
Posted by
A running chick
10:09 PM
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Runs with Photos
Cold again today. I forget that I live in Minnesota. I should just look at every opportunity I get to run outdoors as a bonus.
Today was no exception. The sun was bright and Tuesday is run day. So, despite the 19° on the thermometer, and the 10 mph breeze, I was determined to make the best of it. Three layers on top. two below. And I brought my camera. Pulling my iPhone out of the arm sleeve takes too long.
I head out a little after 9:00 am. Yep, it's windy. But I have my new, trusty, windproof, Brooks jacket on. Not a problem. I have my camera in my waist pack. But, I don't get 15 feet from my front door before I pull it out. I see my schmookie (Dakota) sitting high atop a snow bank in our driveway. He's got his face into the wind, and he is just inhaling all there is to inhale in the country air.
I'm coming up to my half way/turnaround point. This side of the road is in the shade so I'm hoping the run back will allow me to get onto the shoulder, at least.
As I get to the corner, I figure I may as well keep snapping photos. This is the day for it. This barn kinda caught my interest because of it's color against the snow and the sky.
Time to turnaround. As I do, there is a farmer pulling a trailer. Farmers are the worst when it comes to giving you room...especially the old ones. They refuse to move over even a foot. So I'm wise to always watch them as they pass me, lest they run me down.
Next photo shows the 3 mile return trip due north.
There is a little more shoulder room, but it looks treacherous to say the least. I'll just have to take it easy.
The majority of the run back north is downhill, thank goodness. That is, until the final mile, when it decidedly turns uphill.
This is the final mile and a half.
And you thought there were no hills in Minnesota!
These are cows.
We have lots of these in Minnesota. These always bellow to me as I pass, as if to say, "There goes that crazy lady, running in the bitter cold."
Yep, I'm crazy alright. Snow, ice, bad roads, sunshine. All in all, almost a 7-miler, in under an hour. I know I could have gone further, too. I felt that good today. But there will be time for a long run on Thursday, I hope. The weather looks promising.
Then again, this is Minnesota.
Did you run today? Was it cold?
Today was no exception. The sun was bright and Tuesday is run day. So, despite the 19° on the thermometer, and the 10 mph breeze, I was determined to make the best of it. Three layers on top. two below. And I brought my camera. Pulling my iPhone out of the arm sleeve takes too long.
I head out a little after 9:00 am. Yep, it's windy. But I have my new, trusty, windproof, Brooks jacket on. Not a problem. I have my camera in my waist pack. But, I don't get 15 feet from my front door before I pull it out. I see my schmookie (Dakota) sitting high atop a snow bank in our driveway. He's got his face into the wind, and he is just inhaling all there is to inhale in the country air.
Out the driveway and up the dirt road, which is icy as hell. In fact, as I hit the pavement, I realize it is not much better. Oh well, I'll just take my time. I'm in no hurry today.
I decide to head south. The wind is coming at me. I'm thinking the trip back will be better. This route is all up hill going out, so it will be a good opportunity for me to work on a negative split.
The roads are not good. Not good for a running chick anyway. Thank goodness it is after rush time and the road is relatively empty. I spend most of my run in the middle of it.
As I get to the corner, I figure I may as well keep snapping photos. This is the day for it. This barn kinda caught my interest because of it's color against the snow and the sky.
Time to turnaround. As I do, there is a farmer pulling a trailer. Farmers are the worst when it comes to giving you room...especially the old ones. They refuse to move over even a foot. So I'm wise to always watch them as they pass me, lest they run me down.
Next photo shows the 3 mile return trip due north.
There is a little more shoulder room, but it looks treacherous to say the least. I'll just have to take it easy.
The majority of the run back north is downhill, thank goodness. That is, until the final mile, when it decidedly turns uphill.
This is the final mile and a half.
And you thought there were no hills in Minnesota!
These are cows.
We have lots of these in Minnesota. These always bellow to me as I pass, as if to say, "There goes that crazy lady, running in the bitter cold."
Yep, I'm crazy alright. Snow, ice, bad roads, sunshine. All in all, almost a 7-miler, in under an hour. I know I could have gone further, too. I felt that good today. But there will be time for a long run on Thursday, I hope. The weather looks promising.
Then again, this is Minnesota.
Did you run today? Was it cold?
Posted by
A running chick
9:17 PM
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Sunday, February 10, 2013
My vitamins came! My vitamins came!
Actually, they arrived Tuesday but I'm just getting around to posting about them. Here are the three that I ordered. And here is what they are supposed to do.
Magnesium Glycinate 100: Generally, American's don't get near enough Magnesium as they should. I have even heard that one of the reasons we have so many children in this country being diagnosed with ADD has to do with the lack of Magnesium in our diets. It also supports bone health, relaxes muscles and nerves, assists with falling asleep and staying asleep (this I can attest to this week), reduces anxiety, helps balance blood sugar, and supports normal blood pressure. I have seen the sleep attributes in full force. I take two of these twice a day, once in the morning, and once late in the afternoon. I'm definitely sleepier before bed and when I do wake up to let the dogs out, or pee, or what have you, I'm falling right back asleep. I wouldn't believe this if it hasn't been happening. And I have the sleep data to prove it!
Next up is L-Glutamine Powder. This is a great, fast dissolving tasteless powder that I put in my morning glass of water. Glutamine is an amino acid has been shown useful in healing from injuries, surgeries and the like. It also speeds up the healing time. It has been proven effective for weight lifters, body builders and endurance athletes as these kinds of activities create micro-tears in the muscle fiber. Healing them effectively and efficiently can only help this kind of athlete.
Finally, Bifido Powder. Again, a great, fast dissolving tasteless powder that I take in the morning. Bifido is a pro-biotic. This means it keeps your gut clean and healthy. It helps keep those bowels moving, too!
I have been relatively pleased with them so far. The Bifido makes my intestines churn a bit after dinner, but otherwise, I have had no unpleasant side effects. Of course, I already mentioned the sleep improvements, and I'm not sure how to visualize any changes from the L-Glutamine, but I'll keep you posted.
Here in Minnesota we have a station that broadcasts Dishing Up Nutrition. It is really fascinating and great to listen to while your on the treadmill. You can download the podcasts at the link above. They refer their clients to a site called Weight and Wellness. You can purchase these products here if you like, or find similar ones at another retailer.
So, there you have it! More useless information. Or useful, whatever the case may be. I'm just passing it along to you if you are so inclined to listen. Enjoy!
Posted by
A running chick
7:56 PM
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Saturday, February 9, 2013
Long run home
Unlike all my virtual running buddies in the northeastern United States, I was able to run outdoors today. And I tell you, I needed it. Thursday's run was good. But I was aching for a long, outdoor run and I succeeded today.
It was almost squashed as soon as it began, because although the temperature read a balmy 27°, it didn't feel like it as I stepped out the front door. A huge gust of wind came up and I knew immediately that I had underdressed. So, I stepped back inside and grabbed a jacket. This one is a Brooks brand jacket I have been meaning to test drive. I drove it today. And it is another winner product. Details to come...
The run started rough. The wind was south-southwest and it was making that 27° feel more like 17°. That sucks. Not to mention, my forward motion was cut in half as I made my way south for the first leg. I had originally intended to head south this morning, but I had to rethink it as the wind was seriously that bad. Luckily I have an west/east route along the way, and I chose to take that instead.
I also tried something different with my hands. I went with the mittens and hand warmers. Now, I know what you are thinking..."but my hands sweat. I couldn't do that." Well, mine sweat too. But they were WARM! I just about had no symptoms of the Raynaud's...well, in my hands anyway, until the final mile, when my right thumb started to go numb. Otherwise, it was pure heaven for over an hour. Suffice it to say, that will be the new protocol when the temperature is below 30°. The sweating sucks, but having feeling in all my digits during and after makes all the difference.
But, my toes were feeling it early. I wore toe sox today, and in retrospect, I'd have been better off with regular socks. I may try the duct tape technique next. These sneakers have about a month left so I don't mind wrecking them for the purposes of science.
About mile 5, I realized I forgot to put my Sherry bib on, although I printed it out. ((((sigh)))) I started thinking about her at this moment because I was in the middle of nowhere in the middle of no place. And I was thinking that it sucks that we always have to watch our back. And that whether you are a city runner, a country runner, any kind of runner, you are vulnerable. I decided to pause here and take a photo. Halfway home...still a long way to go.
I went 10 miles, and I haven't yet analyzed the data from Runmeter, but I feel really good about the run.
When I got home, I was kind of rushed to stretch and shower and get out the door to head downtown so I could pick up my race packet for the Get Lucky 7K. The race isn't until March, but the pickups are always fun. Plus, you have the chance to exchange race gear right there if it doesn't fit. I'm glad I went because I opted for a larger sweatshirt. My husband wasn't too thrilled with the entire process, but he was nice enough to come along and not complain too much. It was all I could ask.
I took a photo with my Sherry Bib, anyway, because that was the thought of the day. She deserves that much.
As for the Brooks Jacket, this is the one I got. It is wonderful! It really keeps the wind out, but doesn't overheat. And it doesn't chafe. The last jacket I got similar to this chafed horribly. Not this one. It is my new favorite for sure. But, FYI, if you order it, go up a size. I'm typically a small, but opted for the medium due to the reviews, and I'm glad I did. They have some great styles, too! And they are on sale. I love a sale!
Do you have a favorite article of running clothing that you couldn't live without?
It was almost squashed as soon as it began, because although the temperature read a balmy 27°, it didn't feel like it as I stepped out the front door. A huge gust of wind came up and I knew immediately that I had underdressed. So, I stepped back inside and grabbed a jacket. This one is a Brooks brand jacket I have been meaning to test drive. I drove it today. And it is another winner product. Details to come...
The run started rough. The wind was south-southwest and it was making that 27° feel more like 17°. That sucks. Not to mention, my forward motion was cut in half as I made my way south for the first leg. I had originally intended to head south this morning, but I had to rethink it as the wind was seriously that bad. Luckily I have an west/east route along the way, and I chose to take that instead.
I also tried something different with my hands. I went with the mittens and hand warmers. Now, I know what you are thinking..."but my hands sweat. I couldn't do that." Well, mine sweat too. But they were WARM! I just about had no symptoms of the Raynaud's...well, in my hands anyway, until the final mile, when my right thumb started to go numb. Otherwise, it was pure heaven for over an hour. Suffice it to say, that will be the new protocol when the temperature is below 30°. The sweating sucks, but having feeling in all my digits during and after makes all the difference.
But, my toes were feeling it early. I wore toe sox today, and in retrospect, I'd have been better off with regular socks. I may try the duct tape technique next. These sneakers have about a month left so I don't mind wrecking them for the purposes of science.
About mile 5, I realized I forgot to put my Sherry bib on, although I printed it out. ((((sigh)))) I started thinking about her at this moment because I was in the middle of nowhere in the middle of no place. And I was thinking that it sucks that we always have to watch our back. And that whether you are a city runner, a country runner, any kind of runner, you are vulnerable. I decided to pause here and take a photo. Halfway home...still a long way to go.
I went 10 miles, and I haven't yet analyzed the data from Runmeter, but I feel really good about the run.
When I got home, I was kind of rushed to stretch and shower and get out the door to head downtown so I could pick up my race packet for the Get Lucky 7K. The race isn't until March, but the pickups are always fun. Plus, you have the chance to exchange race gear right there if it doesn't fit. I'm glad I went because I opted for a larger sweatshirt. My husband wasn't too thrilled with the entire process, but he was nice enough to come along and not complain too much. It was all I could ask.
I took a photo with my Sherry Bib, anyway, because that was the thought of the day. She deserves that much.
As for the Brooks Jacket, this is the one I got. It is wonderful! It really keeps the wind out, but doesn't overheat. And it doesn't chafe. The last jacket I got similar to this chafed horribly. Not this one. It is my new favorite for sure. But, FYI, if you order it, go up a size. I'm typically a small, but opted for the medium due to the reviews, and I'm glad I did. They have some great styles, too! And they are on sale. I love a sale!
Do you have a favorite article of running clothing that you couldn't live without?
Posted by
A running chick
9:06 PM
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Thursday, February 7, 2013
To pee or not to pee
I had a good run today...outdoors. My husband tried to talk me out of it, but I really had my heart set on getting outside. It never made it to 30°. but it was 24° at 9am, and that was close enough for me. To be honest, I was a bit anxious. I haven't been outside in weeks for a run and everything I learned this winter had already left my consciousness. How do I dress? Do I need a hat? Sunglasses (it's foggy)? Thick gloves? Thin gloves? Water? And, I kind of rushed the departure. It was more of a "Well, if I'm not ready now, I'll never be..." kind of moment.
The driveway and dirt road leading to my route was treacherous, and it was chilly. I swear, Minnesota is one of the one places in the world where it can be breezy and foggy at the same time. As a meteorologist, this is hard for me to understand. But it happens. It would have been a great run minus the breeze as compared to just a good run.
Slightly off topic, I have to tell you that recently I have drastically increased my water intake. And although I peed right before I stepped outside, I hadn't traveled 3/10 of a mile when I felt the urge to pee again. Argh...I did NOT want to turn back. I prayed that the feeling would go away as I warmed up.
It didn't. I had to pee like a racehorse the entire run. I envisioned myself calling the riding stables up the road to ask them if I could use their toilet. I looked left, right, everywhere, ANYWHERE for a place I could possibly squat, but there is nothing on this route but wide open farm land. And then there is the knowledge that 50% of the time when you squat, it ends up all over your pants instead of on the ground. Men are SO lucky, I tell ya. This brings to mind this gadget my friend Ginny told me about. Have you seen it? I'm tempted to get one just to have it on hand at times like these.
Even Target sells them! Although I haven't looked for it per say. If I bought one, I'd probably do it the more discrete way and order it from Amazon.
Regardless, I'm not sure if it was all the treadmill work these past weeks that aided me in this run or if it was the fact that I had to pee. Still, I kept a respectable pace, and wasn't even winded. And this is good.
Looking back at the run, my heart rate looked great. I can tell that the last two miles I just wanted to get home. Despite all of it, though, I didn't call for a rescue operation. Pretty proud. I also know I had good form because nothing hurt afterward.
I wanted to take a picture of my route today before I got started, but the cold immediately attacked my fingers and I was afraid to remove my gloves, so I could remove my iPhone from my arm pocket. So I had to let it slide today. But on Saturday, I'll take a few. There should be sun...I hope...and temperatures closer to 30° before hell freezes over again next week.
How about you? Did you run today? Do you have a Go Girl? And have you used it?
The driveway and dirt road leading to my route was treacherous, and it was chilly. I swear, Minnesota is one of the one places in the world where it can be breezy and foggy at the same time. As a meteorologist, this is hard for me to understand. But it happens. It would have been a great run minus the breeze as compared to just a good run.
Slightly off topic, I have to tell you that recently I have drastically increased my water intake. And although I peed right before I stepped outside, I hadn't traveled 3/10 of a mile when I felt the urge to pee again. Argh...I did NOT want to turn back. I prayed that the feeling would go away as I warmed up.
It didn't. I had to pee like a racehorse the entire run. I envisioned myself calling the riding stables up the road to ask them if I could use their toilet. I looked left, right, everywhere, ANYWHERE for a place I could possibly squat, but there is nothing on this route but wide open farm land. And then there is the knowledge that 50% of the time when you squat, it ends up all over your pants instead of on the ground. Men are SO lucky, I tell ya. This brings to mind this gadget my friend Ginny told me about. Have you seen it? I'm tempted to get one just to have it on hand at times like these.
Even Target sells them! Although I haven't looked for it per say. If I bought one, I'd probably do it the more discrete way and order it from Amazon.
Regardless, I'm not sure if it was all the treadmill work these past weeks that aided me in this run or if it was the fact that I had to pee. Still, I kept a respectable pace, and wasn't even winded. And this is good.
Looking back at the run, my heart rate looked great. I can tell that the last two miles I just wanted to get home. Despite all of it, though, I didn't call for a rescue operation. Pretty proud. I also know I had good form because nothing hurt afterward.
I wanted to take a picture of my route today before I got started, but the cold immediately attacked my fingers and I was afraid to remove my gloves, so I could remove my iPhone from my arm pocket. So I had to let it slide today. But on Saturday, I'll take a few. There should be sun...I hope...and temperatures closer to 30° before hell freezes over again next week.
How about you? Did you run today? Do you have a Go Girl? And have you used it?
Posted by
A running chick
4:41 PM
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013
One down, two to go
Today, I broke out a new pair of Brooks Launch. I had three pair saved up in my stash and today I had to use one. Brooks decided not to reinvent the Launch. I'm disappointed to say the least. I managed to find three pairs of them before my size disappeared. So I bought them all. Today, I used one. I decided that I probably ought to be running on the treadmill with the same kind of shoes I use outdoors. I was running indoors with my Brooks Adrenaline which I normally reserve for workouts and treadmill walks. Since my calves and shins where kinda cryin' recently, I put two and two together and determined it was more than likely the sneakers...and since I like to reserve my outdoor Launch for running outdoors, I had to break out a new pair for indoors.
But they are purty. And it is all good, because the sneakers felt grand, and the run was grand (even though it had to be run inside again), and I have no twinges at all this evening!
I did a nice and easy treadmill run today. Initially, I had "15" on my brain, but I decided to reserve some distance for later in the week since it is supposed to warm up and get sunny...eventually...
So today, I began with a .5 mile warmup walk. The the rest followed:
20 minutes at 6.0 mph
20 minutes at 6.2 mph
20 minutes at 6.4 mph
20 minutes at 6.6 mph
20 minutes at 6.8 mph (It was more like 13)
This got me to 10 miles in about 93 minutes or so.
It was a great run. Never got tired. For sure, I could have gone on at this pace and upped it for another 20. I'm feeling really good as I get closer to marathon training. I've learned that it is OK to HOLD BACK and slow down the pace, and enjoy the run. I'm dying to try it outdoors, now that I have it figured out.
Following my run, I stretched it out for a full 30 minutes, and did the leg drain. If you haven't read Chi Running yet, I highly recommend that you do. Then do the leg drain. Your legs will not be the same after a run.
But they are purty. And it is all good, because the sneakers felt grand, and the run was grand (even though it had to be run inside again), and I have no twinges at all this evening!
I did a nice and easy treadmill run today. Initially, I had "15" on my brain, but I decided to reserve some distance for later in the week since it is supposed to warm up and get sunny...eventually...
So today, I began with a .5 mile warmup walk. The the rest followed:
20 minutes at 6.0 mph
20 minutes at 6.2 mph
20 minutes at 6.4 mph
20 minutes at 6.6 mph
20 minutes at 6.8 mph (It was more like 13)
This got me to 10 miles in about 93 minutes or so.
It was a great run. Never got tired. For sure, I could have gone on at this pace and upped it for another 20. I'm feeling really good as I get closer to marathon training. I've learned that it is OK to HOLD BACK and slow down the pace, and enjoy the run. I'm dying to try it outdoors, now that I have it figured out.
Following my run, I stretched it out for a full 30 minutes, and did the leg drain. If you haven't read Chi Running yet, I highly recommend that you do. Then do the leg drain. Your legs will not be the same after a run.
Here's praying for spring!
What tried and true exercises or stretches do you do after running?
Posted by
A running chick
8:48 PM
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Monday, February 4, 2013
Reynauds, Alcohol, Peri-Menopause, Seltzer, and Prescription Medication
So, it is Monday again. And we've got a lot to cover today, as the title of this post reveals. Again, the week is starting off cold as hell. (Why do we say "cold as hell" when typically hell isn't cold?)
Anyway, I walked on the treadmill all weekend. My walks are pretty speedy though, as I try to get in 6 miles in 90 minutes. I like to keep my heart rate up at least to 140 bpm. Then at least I feel like I burn some calories of some kind.
This Raynaud's syndrome is starting to really bother me. I can't wait for some warmer weather. It is just the craziest thing that it developed this season and is just sticking with me. I swear, Spring can't come soon enough.
This has been an interesting week for me to say the least. The previous post tells my adventure on the Amoxicillin. I'm so grateful to be done with that. I think the sinuses are better but I'll know for sure within a few days. It never made it to my chest, thank goodness.
I am dying to run outdoors. Seriously...dying. There are mentions of 30° this week, both tomorrow and Thursday...both run days. My fingers are crossed. As are my toes.
I am on day 15 of refraining from alcohol. Don't get me wrong...I'm far from being an alcoholic. But my metabolism seems to be changing. With the peri-menopause and the night sweats...it is all worse on a few drinks. Recently, my husband and I reinstated "date night" and he is pretty insistent I have a few martinis to unwind. But, seriously...it does me no good. I don't sleep well, I feel like shit the following day, and it is added calories I'd rather eat, quite honestly. So, my abstinence experiment started last weekend.
What I've learned thus far? Well, it is tough not to drink when everyone else is. I have been consuming exorbitant amounts of seltzer water to make up for the lack of alcohol. I just ask the bartender to put a swizzle stick in it, and everyone assumes I'm drinking Vodka. I've learned that I get cranky when everyone else is imbibing and I am not. I don't like that too much. I have to force myself to have a good time. Because, quite honestly, since I'm not drinking, I'd rather be home doing something productive. At home, too...Friday nights is usually TV and cocktail night, and instead I made some Seltzer on the Soda Stream and squeezed some fresh citrus in it (Super Bowl Sunday, too). And I drink A LOT of it. Enough to make me get up in the middle of the night and pee...so I'm not so sure about the better sleep thing.
I've also learned quite a bit about my husband, since he is now free to go all out when we are out...I'm driving, after all, since I'm not drinking. He is a character. But he is having fun. This is important.
This week I plan to add a stretching routine to my regular workout. I seem to be going backwards with my limberness. (Is that a word?) That needs to change. I've also ordered some interesting vitamins and minerals I plan to add to my diet. When they arrive, I'll explain everything I ordered and why I'm taking it. And since the prescription medicine is done, perhaps I'll weigh in this week...well, maybe.
Do you take any vitamins or supplements on a regular basis? If so, what do you take and why?
Anyway, I walked on the treadmill all weekend. My walks are pretty speedy though, as I try to get in 6 miles in 90 minutes. I like to keep my heart rate up at least to 140 bpm. Then at least I feel like I burn some calories of some kind.
This Raynaud's syndrome is starting to really bother me. I can't wait for some warmer weather. It is just the craziest thing that it developed this season and is just sticking with me. I swear, Spring can't come soon enough.
![]() |
Raynaud's, anyone? |
I am dying to run outdoors. Seriously...dying. There are mentions of 30° this week, both tomorrow and Thursday...both run days. My fingers are crossed. As are my toes.
I am on day 15 of refraining from alcohol. Don't get me wrong...I'm far from being an alcoholic. But my metabolism seems to be changing. With the peri-menopause and the night sweats...it is all worse on a few drinks. Recently, my husband and I reinstated "date night" and he is pretty insistent I have a few martinis to unwind. But, seriously...it does me no good. I don't sleep well, I feel like shit the following day, and it is added calories I'd rather eat, quite honestly. So, my abstinence experiment started last weekend.
What I've learned thus far? Well, it is tough not to drink when everyone else is. I have been consuming exorbitant amounts of seltzer water to make up for the lack of alcohol. I just ask the bartender to put a swizzle stick in it, and everyone assumes I'm drinking Vodka. I've learned that I get cranky when everyone else is imbibing and I am not. I don't like that too much. I have to force myself to have a good time. Because, quite honestly, since I'm not drinking, I'd rather be home doing something productive. At home, too...Friday nights is usually TV and cocktail night, and instead I made some Seltzer on the Soda Stream and squeezed some fresh citrus in it (Super Bowl Sunday, too). And I drink A LOT of it. Enough to make me get up in the middle of the night and pee...so I'm not so sure about the better sleep thing.
![]() |
Another liter bites the dust. |
This week I plan to add a stretching routine to my regular workout. I seem to be going backwards with my limberness. (Is that a word?) That needs to change. I've also ordered some interesting vitamins and minerals I plan to add to my diet. When they arrive, I'll explain everything I ordered and why I'm taking it. And since the prescription medicine is done, perhaps I'll weigh in this week...well, maybe.
Do you take any vitamins or supplements on a regular basis? If so, what do you take and why?
Posted by
A running chick
9:10 PM
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Saturday, February 2, 2013
A pox upon the Amoxicillin
OMG, some days I'm so thankful for the internet and it's vast amount of incorrect and not so incorrect information. I mean, thanks to all the crap out there, you can diagnose yourself with brain cancer and write out your final will and testament within a matter of minutes. How fantastic is that?
I've been on amoxicillin for 8 days, and quite frankly, I feel like crap. Not so much because of the sinus infection it is supposed to be fighting, but because I'm bloated beyond belief. I feel like I was just starting to get somewhere with my weight, keeping it where I wanted it to be to begin marathon training, and now it has gotten out of hand. I haven't even gotten on the scale because I'm scared shitless. For me, it is better not to look and to just KNOW that after tomorrow, I'll be off the meds and I can get back on track.
I was able to find some Q and A's on the ol' world wild web that were able to back me up enough to know that I'm not completely crazy and I haven't eaten myself into oblivion this past week. But in the meantime, I have to deal with it.
It's funny, because my inner calves hurt again, like they did when I put on a few pounds over the summer. It's almost like my body knows which weight I run best at. Gawd, I love learning about myself. This entire journey has been so eye-opening.
The only trouble is, the next time Dr. Redford (I call him that because he is the Robert Redford of general practitioners) asks me if I have any problems with amoxicillin, I wonder if I can tell him..."It makes me feel like a beached whale." Maybe...maybe not.
Have you ever had any reactions like that to a prescription drug? If so, how did you regroup?
Posted by
A running chick
10:39 AM
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Friday, February 1, 2013
Yeah, I ran...
I ran today. I usually don't run on Friday's, but I ran anyway. I'm not even quite sure why I did.
It was P90X Legs and Back day today, too. This means the weekend will be a sore one, depending on how hard I brought it.
Here was the treadmill workout du jour:
Warm Up
5 minutes at 6.0 mph
5 minutes at 6.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 7.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 6.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 7.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 6.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 7.5 mph
Cool Down
Total 60 minutes and 7 miles. Ended fast. It was a good run, but pretty tiring.
I've been on an antibiotic for a sinus infection for a week now. I swear I feel it in my chest tonight. I'm hoping this isn't the case. It may be time for a forced rest before I start Hal Higdon's marathon training program.
Minnesota winters are way too long. ((((((sigh))))))
It was P90X Legs and Back day today, too. This means the weekend will be a sore one, depending on how hard I brought it.
Here was the treadmill workout du jour:
Warm Up
5 minutes at 6.0 mph
5 minutes at 6.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 7.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 6.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 7.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 6.5 mph
5 minutes at 7.0 mph
5 minutes at 7.5 mph
Cool Down
Total 60 minutes and 7 miles. Ended fast. It was a good run, but pretty tiring.
I've been on an antibiotic for a sinus infection for a week now. I swear I feel it in my chest tonight. I'm hoping this isn't the case. It may be time for a forced rest before I start Hal Higdon's marathon training program.
Minnesota winters are way too long. ((((((sigh))))))
Posted by
A running chick
7:43 PM
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