Saturday, February 2, 2013

A pox upon the Amoxicillin

OMG, some days I'm so thankful for the internet and it's vast amount of incorrect and not so incorrect information. I mean, thanks to all the crap out there, you can diagnose yourself with brain cancer and write out your final will and testament within a matter of minutes. How fantastic is that?

I've been on amoxicillin for 8 days, and quite frankly, I feel like crap. Not so much because of the sinus infection it is supposed to be fighting, but because I'm bloated beyond belief. I feel like I was just starting to get somewhere with my weight, keeping it where I wanted it to be to begin marathon training, and now it has gotten out of hand. I haven't even gotten on the scale because I'm scared shitless. For me, it is better not to look and to just KNOW that after tomorrow, I'll be off the meds and I can get back on track.

I was able to find some Q and A's on the ol' world wild web that were able to back me up enough to know that I'm not completely crazy and I haven't eaten myself into oblivion this past week. But in the meantime, I have to deal with it.

It's funny, because my inner calves hurt again, like they did when I put on a few pounds over the summer. It's almost like my body knows which weight I run best at. Gawd, I love learning about myself. This entire journey has been so eye-opening.

The only trouble is, the next time Dr. Redford (I call him that because he is the Robert Redford of general practitioners) asks me if I have any problems with amoxicillin, I wonder if I can tell him..."It makes me feel like a beached whale." Maybe...maybe not.

Have you ever had any reactions like that to a prescription drug? If so, how did you regroup?


RunningJunkie said...

If it's something being caused by the medication, don't worry. It will go away!!

We all feel like this at times. I know that it's really hard to do but perhaps you should try to not weigh yourself a lot? I know that people say weighing yourself makes you accountable, but I've found that with my body, when I stop obsessing, stop watching every.little.thing I eat, and just eating when I'm hungry and what my body is craving I will become comfortable again. It may take a few days, or a couple weeks, but just try to listen to your body:-)

A running chick said...

I know it will, Junkie...I'm so anal. This kind of stuff stresses me out to no end. I'm learning to deal, and I know that time heals everything. I'm just time obsessed. I blame it on my former career as a TV weathercaster. I'll be fine. Thanks SO MUCH for the support. It means a lot! ;)

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