Thursday, February 28, 2013

Marathon Training: Day 11

Hal said three. So, I ran three. Happily. (Hey, I'm a poet!)

Funny, because when I got out there I was having slight inward feelings that it wouldn't be enough. I thought I'd run out three and perhaps just walk back. My husband made the same offer he did yesterday, so if it got really bad into the wind, I could just call him. But after a mile and a half, I became grateful that it was just a three miler. I went a few extra steps and turned around. And then I started to think how grateful I was that there is no scheduled run for tomorrow. I'm tired, doggone-it!

I had a great pace today, just under 8:00. And now that I have two fast back-to-back runs out of my system, it should make Saturday's scheduled 9'er much easier to take slow.

It's all going great. I can almost kinda see a method to Hal's madness. This just might work.

Have you ever questioned someone's motives just to find out they were right all along? How did you feel afterward?


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