Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One down, two to go

Today, I broke out a new pair of Brooks Launch. I had three pair saved up in my stash and today I had to use one. Brooks decided not to reinvent the Launch. I'm disappointed to say the least. I managed to find three pairs of them before my size disappeared. So I bought them all. Today, I used one. I decided that I probably ought to be running on the treadmill with the same kind of shoes I use outdoors. I was running indoors with my Brooks Adrenaline which I normally reserve for workouts and treadmill walks. Since my calves and shins where kinda cryin' recently, I put two and two together and determined it was more than likely the sneakers...and since I like to reserve my outdoor Launch for running outdoors, I had to break out a new pair for indoors.

But they are purty. And it is all good, because the sneakers felt grand, and the run was grand (even though it had to be run inside again), and I have no twinges at all this evening!

I did a nice and easy treadmill run today. Initially, I had "15" on my brain, but I decided to reserve some distance for later in the week since it is supposed to warm up and get sunny...eventually...

So today, I began with a .5 mile warmup walk. The the rest followed:
20 minutes at 6.0 mph
20 minutes at 6.2 mph
20 minutes at 6.4 mph
20 minutes at 6.6 mph
20 minutes at 6.8 mph (It was more like 13)
This got me to 10 miles in about 93 minutes or so.

It was a great run. Never got tired. For sure, I could have gone on at this pace and upped it for another 20. I'm feeling really good as I get closer to marathon training. I've learned that it is OK to HOLD BACK and slow down the pace, and enjoy the run. I'm dying to try it outdoors, now that I have it figured out.

Following my run, I stretched it out for a full 30 minutes, and did the leg drain. If you haven't read Chi Running yet, I highly recommend that you do. Then do the leg drain. Your legs will not be the same after a run.

Here's praying for spring!

What tried and true exercises or stretches do you do after running?


ThePetitePacer said...

I could have sworn I saw the Emerging Runner say to you that they are bringing back the Launch.. check his site.

ThePetitePacer said...

Here it is!

The Emerging Runner January 29, 2013 at 3:59 PM
I think everyone has a different expectation for what they get from their running shoes and when they need to go. Good news for you: Brooks is bringing back the Launch due to popular demand. I guess you're not the only one who loves them!

A running chick said...

OMG! Just found the blog post on BrooksRunning.com. So DAMN excited!!!

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing with running shoes, when Brooks made the glycerine 10 I knew my wonderful 9s were going away so I got the last 4 pairs in my size LOL. I fear change :)

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