Sunday, February 24, 2013

Shhhh. I ran today.

I know...I wasn't supposed to. Actually, after I double checked my schedule, Hal called for some Sunday cross-training. That includes walking, biking, swimming, or cross-country skiing. Well, running is just fast walking, right? I couldn't resist...34° and sunny. Yes THIRTY FOUR AND SUNNY. Even my husband told me I had to run today. And he almost never says that.

Besides, I had the blues big time today for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I couldn't shake it. After church, the girls and I ran to Tractor Supply then to the grocery store to get some stuff. We came home and I got dinner started since it had to sit in the oven for a few hours. Then I got to work on my Happy To Create blog post. It was pretty much just one giant interruption. And I kept checking Facebook at the same time.

The hubster came in one last time, clearly sensing my moodiness and said,

"Get the hell out there and"

Well, it wasn't really what he said, but I shortened it for purposes of this blog post.

It took me a full two miles just to shake the DOMS out of my legs from Friday's P90X Legs and Back. After that it was smooth sailing. I thought I'd just go 4 miles. But I was feeling good at the 2-mile I kept going. Then I thought just 5 miles, but at the 2.5 mile mark I decided I'd try to make it to the 3-mile mark. It just sounds better and it is a rounder number. Then at the 3-mile mark, I saw my regular turn around  for this route was less than a half mile further. What the hell? So I did my Dream Acres route which takes me to Dream Acres farm, and then back home. My legs were just absorbing the heat from the sun. It was glorious. And I started slow because of the DOMS but finished at race pace. It was a good run.

And my blues turned pink. Pink is my signature color!

I promise NOT TO RUN tomorrow. It will just be P90X Chest and Back. Tuesday, I start school, so I'm not sure if I'll get my 3-miles in at 5:30 am or 5:30 pm. I'll leave it up to chance at this point.

OH! And even MORE exciting!! Shape Magazine retweeted my #flauntit photo not just once, but TWICE this week on Twitter! How great is that? Here are the photos that I tweeted.

Gotta love that P90X!

Did you workout today?


Stacey Runs and Eats said...

Wow! Nice run AND the retweets!!

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